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2017 February Financial Forecast for Aquarius Sign: Career Environment : Comfortable career environment during the entire month of February 2017 Career Stability (or) Career satisfaction : Good career performances and good career satisfaction from 8 th to 20 th ; and from 26 th to 28 th February 2017   Job Searching Environment: Comfortable job searching environment from 1 st to 3 rd ; and from 23 rd to 28 th February 2017; and remains uncomfortable from 4 th to 22 nd February 2017  Desired Results on Job Searches: G ood feedback from the employer (or) desired results on the job searches from 13 th to 16 th ; and from 21 st to 24 th February 2017 Human Resource (or) Labor Management: Comfortable ties with the junior level employees (or) laborers during the entire month of February 2017 Level of Relationship with Junior Employees/Laborers: Strong ties (or) interactions with the employees (or) laborers from 8 th to 20 th ; and from 26 th to 2


Shani Peyarchi Palangal for Kumbha Rasi (2017 - 2020):  The Shani would be transiting into Dhanusu Rasi, which happens to be the 11 th  house for the Kumbha Rasi (Aquarius Sign) natives. The Shani itself owns the Kumbha Rasi, thus it hold the title of “Rasi Lord” (or) “Sign Lord” for the Kumbha Rasi (Aquarius Sign) natives. That is, the Shani becomes the 1 st  house lord (Rasi Lord); and the Shani also owns the Makara Rasi, which happens to be the 12 th  house for the Kumbha Rasi (Aquarius Sign) natives. Thus the Shani holds the dual ownership of both the Rasi (1 st  house) and the 12 th  house lord. The 1 st  house (Jenma Rasi) is considered as highly benefic and the 12 th  house is considered as the malefic. Thus the Shani by owning the Kumbha Rasi (Jenma Rasi) needs to be the savior of the Kumbha Rasi (Aquarius Sign) natives. By owning the Makara Rasi, the Shani also possess the responsibilities of delivering the malefic qualities of the 12 th  house. Thus the Shani