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2013 Sani Peyarchi Palangal for Kumbha Rasi (Aquarius Sign) The Shani comes out of its retrograde movement on May 7 th , 2013. The Shani owns the 1 st and 12 th house for the Kumbha Rasi (Aquarius sign). The Kumbha rasi is itself owned by the Shani. The 1 st house is highly benefice and 12 th is malefic in nature. Since the Shani has the lordship over the Kumbha Rasi (Aquarius sign), it will try to deliver maximum benefits to them. The Shani is placed in the Thula rasi, which is the 9 th house to the Kumbha Rasi (Aquarius sign). This position would deliver the best results for the Kumbha Rasi (Aquarius sign) during this period. Let us analyze the Shani Peyarchi Palangal results for the  Kumbha Rasi (Aquarius sign) in the year 2013. Shani Peyarchi Palangal - May 7 th to September 13 th (2013): The Kumbha Rasi (Aquarius sign) would enjoy best moments and good rapport with their family members. The Kumbha Rasi (Aquarius sign) would actively involve